Monday, October 10, 2011

Four day count down!

October 10th, 2011

I always have this idea that I'm going to write this awesome blog, but it's most likely just not going to happen. So this is what I've decided. These daily(?) posts will be just be who I am, what I'm doing, and where I am in life at the point in time that I write them. There's no 'main ideas' to my writing, more just posts from a soon to be 16 year old girl. So yup.. that's that.

Now, time for today's post. Well it's the week of my birthday! In less than four days I will be sixteen, finally. I know it's suppose to be a milestone in your life; it's the time when you can get your license, get a later curfue, and just overall have more freedom; I just am not sure that I am ready for it all. With insurance, gas, and whatever fixtures my car may need in the future, I'm not exactly dying to drive. And yeah, I'd love to get my license Friday on my birthday, but my mom says that I need to focus on ACTS and basketball tryouts before worrying about driving when she doesn't even know if I'm 100% ready. So I'm thinking that I'll go the 27th and give it a shot.

I had school today, yay. And it was Monday, double yay. Every day at Lima Senior I find why my parents send me there. Yes, it provides a good education, but it always greatly improves your social life. I mean, you see people that you would never imagine having the life that they do. Some you befriend, others you shrug off; they live their life and you live yours. I'm ready for Chinese to be over. Everyday I face the challenge of staying awake, and when Psych. comes I don't have to worry about staying awake. One days like today, where we watch YouTube videos of babies crying, I don't really stand a chance of dozing off.

I really should be doing my Pre-Cal homework, but I figure that I can do it after basketball. I'm suppose to be leaving in fifteen minutes. Tryouts are in two weeks, so I have to work my butt off. Plus I need to get in extra great shape for homecoming this weekend. I'm getting even more excited by the second. There is a downfall to it though, considering that it is suppose to rain both Friday and Saturday.

But I should wrap this up. I have to leave in 10 minutes and I need to get going. Adios.


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